Travel back to your kids' earlier years and record them in a book!

A short time ago they were so small - and soon they already leave the house? Then give them their childhood with you. In a multimedia Meminto Book.

Remember how it used to be?

Your kids are already older and you want to...

… remind them of the most beautiful experiences from the past, which they may have already forgotten?
… go on a journey through time with your partner, to where it all began?
… present your son or daughter with something that has infinite value?

How it works

All your memories become written stories.


Start your Meminto

No subscription needed! Choose from 9 different life topics to start a book with a one-time payment. You can even try it for free first.


Like a chat between friends

Meminto provides editable questions to turn your answers into stories – via app, voice recording, video, or text. It can even call you weekly!


Await your printed book ❤️

1 full color, 6×9″ hardcover book included with every purchase (starting at US$99, additional copies from US$35).

Something that remains.

Why a Meminto Book is valuable for parents and teens

A Meminto is a great way to catch up on what you’ve missed and record what you’ve experienced.

Even if your kids are past their teens, you can review and relive their growing up years and create a book of all your experiences: With our smart question-and-answer assistant directly on your smartphone.

You can do this either alone or together with your partner, and it’s even more fun as a couple because you can motivate each other and get nostalgic.

We solve the problem with time, stress and aimlessness, and take you by the hand in a goal-oriented way every step of the way, so you won’t forget and hold on to any stories from your kids’ childhood.

For your child. And for you, mom & dad!

This memory book is written by you as a parent. It’s really easy! Here’s how:

We ask you 52 questions about your child’s past years. You can answer them conveniently in the browser or in the Meminto app and also invite your partner or even grandma and grandpa to join you.

Once you’re done, you can upload up to 250 pictures and additional audios and videos, design the book according to your wishes and share it. 8-12 days later, you’ll have a one-of-a-kind book with hundreds of pages of your best memories from your past.

You can see examples of our questions and how they are asked below!


Flexible page range, size 6 x 9″


in full color, hardcovers

Write together

or on your own


Photos, Audio and Video

Experience memories with all your senses!

Your stories not only magically enter the book, but also come out again! In addition to your text and pictures, there’s also room for voice memos and videos. Click on the videos now for more information!

You are currently viewing a placeholder content from YouTube. To access the actual content, click the button below. Please note that doing so will share data with third-party providers.

More Information
Meminto Stories Explainer Video "My Child & I

What are the questions waiting for you?

With targeted questions (that could come from your child) Meminto guides you through your family history. All questions can be customized, exchanged or even deleted. Of course, you can also add your own questions.

Make your memories come alive again.

The journey is the destination: with a Meminto project, there’s more than just a book.

Refresh memories

With the right questions you will be reminded of very special moments.

Use media of all kinds

Texts, voice memos, videos: We integrate everything into your book. Retrievable via QR code!

Surprise your child

Your child's whole childhood in one book - hardly anyone has something so valuable!

Record family history

For generations after you: your family history leaves traces.

Insights and opinions

How Meminto users turn into heroes

14 Days Money-Back Guarantee

Buy now and get started!

Immediately after the purchase, you'll get access to all questions in a clear and simple system.

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Apple Pay
Google Pay

Help / Support

Frequently asked questions

Quick answers to some questions you may have. Couldn’t find what you were looking for? Check out our helpdesk.

Basically, a book with up to 100 pages costs $99. A book with up to 200 pages costs $129, and up to 300 pages is charged at $149, plus shipping and handling of about $10-$20.

Depending on which story you want to record, you will always find the prices for our books directly in the respective topic. So first select what you want to write about and then scroll to the section where you can order.

You can choose between a different number of pages for the book, add additional copies and also a digital copy. This ultimately affects the total price, which can be slightly different for each book.

After purchasing your book theme, you (or the person receiving the gift) will get an activation code from Meminto, which you can enter here. Afterwards we will select 52 personal questions from our large question collection, which you can change, delete or replace indefinitely. You can also set your own questions!

Each book can hold hundreds of pictures in addition to the answers, which can then be printed in color on up to 300 pages (or even more, but please contact us on this) in your book.

To make sure you don’t forget anything, Meminto can email you a question every week or remind you with push notifications from the app (extension for a further year is possible!).

Together with family and friends, Meminto is the most fun. Invite them to join you and watch as your book magically fills with stories that even you didn’t know existed!

After choosing a cover design, the book goes to print. About 9-16 days later (depending of where you live), you can hold it in your hands and proudly call yourself an author!

You can work on your book for a total of 2 years. We will remind you once 6 months and the second time 30 days before the end of this period so that you don’t forget. If there is not enough time, you can extend the processing time by another 2 years for $25.90.

We do not make any changes to the content of your answers and stories, but print what you have written. 

Before you send your book to print, however, you have the option of booking a proofreading service. We will correct typos and spelling mistakes. The costs for proofreading are based on the amount of text to be checked and will be displayed transparently.

Your privacy is very important to us. No one can see your answers unless you share them yourself. If you still want us to help you, you must allow access beforehand.

Even if you fill out your book together with other participants, you can set for each answer whether it should be visible only for you or for everyone.

Additionally, our 2-factor authentication protects your account. Even if your password is hacked, no one can log in to your account that easily.

We are aware of how sensitive your stories and the information they contain can be. Unlike other competitors, Meminto does not use any information for purposes other than creating the book. Your data will not be passed on or even sold. With Meminto, you can be sure that we treat your data with the utmost care.

Yes! You can do it! Why?

  1. Because it’s fun and enjoyable to reflect back. You’ll be amazed at what you remember!
  2. Because we can remind you every week to answer the next question. So you don’t miss anything and stay in the loop.
  3. Because you only need 2-6 minutes to answer a question. You can do it almost anytime and anywhere, even from your smartphone.
  4. Because our books are designed according to fixed templates. You can make simple changes, but you won’t get lost in perfectionism.
  5. Because the anticipation is great to hold your own book in your hands and show it to family and friends.
  6. Because thousands of others (to be exact: 14858!) have done it before you and written down 39470 stories. And why should they be able to do something that you can’t?Just get started now!

Yes it is! We want you to know exactly what to expect and be truly satisfied.

You have the opportunity to start a free mini-book here. Instead of 52 questions, we’ll pick nine for you to start with. If you like how we remind you of situations you may have forgotten and you are comfortable with the Meminto software on your desktop PC or smartphone, you can also upgrade directly.

Just start your free mini-book here!

Not sure yet?

Create a free mini book!

Get 9 questions about your topic and create a digital Meminto Stories book.

Simply download our free app or sign up HERE.

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Give pleasure!

Give a gift voucher!

Give your loved ones a Meminto Stories book and let them choose for themselves. You can print out our great vouchers for this purpose!

One day baby, we'll be old
Oh baby, we'll be old
And think of all the stories that we could have told...