How to Write a Book About Your Life

How to Write a Book About Your Life
Picture of About Benjamin

About Benjamin

Hi, I'm Benjamin, part of the Meminto Stories team and someone who likes to write down thoughts about life and what keeps me busy. Whether it be memoirs, biographies or autobiographies, stories about the lives of real people fascinate me because they can shape and change me.

I love having deep conversations with people and asking good questions. That's what I particularly like about Meminto - that people can get to know themselves and each other even better by asking specific questions.

Do you have any questions? Then please get in touch with us!


To write a book about your life, you should first understand the type of book you want. Delve into significant memories you feel compelled to share. Embrace vulnerability as a means to forge connections with your readers and seek feedback from others to refine your work. 

Writing a book about your life is a great way to reflect on your life’s journey and share your unique experiences with the world. It’s like leaving a piece of yourself that continues to live on even when you are no more. If you think, “My life is too boring, and I have nothing to write about,” you couldn’t be more wrong. Your life is probably filled with tiny bits and pieces of occurrences that could form a captivating story; you just need to know how to put them together.

In the rest of this article, I’ll take you through how to start writing a book about your life, reflect on and discover important memories, use feedback from others to refine your book, and the best way to publish your book. Let’s dive in.

Key Takeaways

  • Decide between writing a full autobiography or a focused memoir based on the scope and depth of the story you want to tell.

  • Use prompts, artifacts, and personal memories to uncover significant moments and details that can shape your narrative.

  • Being open and honest in your writing helps you connect with readers on a deeper emotional level.

  • Follow a narrative structure, including an introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution, to create a compelling flow.

  • Regularly gather feedback from trusted sources, revise, and refine your work to ensure your story is polished and impactful.

What type of story do you want to write?

You can take a couple of different approaches when writing your life story

  • You’ve got your autobiography, which is like the big picture, from when you were born to where you are now. It’s all about giving readers the full scoop on everything from childhood to adult adventures.
  • Then there’s the memoir, which is more focused. Instead of covering your entire life, you get to zoom in on specific moments, themes, or experiences that have shaped who you are, whether it’s a cross-country road trip, a transformative relationship, or a career breakthrough.

How to Write a Book About Your Life 4

ScopeCovers your entire lifeFocuses on specific moments
TimelineChronological, from birth to presentFlexible timeline, not necessarily chronological
Breadth of DetailsComprehensive and covers a wide range of experiences.Selectively delves deeply into specific experiences.


The cool thing about memoirs is that they’re more about depth than breadth. You can dive deep into your emotions, thoughts, and reflections, giving readers a closer look at your journey.

So, whether you’re drawn to the epic sweep of an autobiography or the focused intimacy of a memoir, there’s no wrong way to tell your story. It’s all about finding the most resonating approach and allowing you to share your unique perspective.

7 Tips to Writing Your Life Story

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1. Reflect on important memories.

Think of this stage as the process of researching your life. You’d be surprised at how many of your life’s occurrences you may have forgotten. 

Use artifacts of the past:

One way to kickstart this reflection process is by immersing yourself in the tangible artifacts of your past. Dust off those old photo albums, stroll through places with special memories, and don’t hesitate to reach out to loved ones who can share their perspectives and help jog your memory. You’ll be surprised at what comes flooding back!

Use Prompts:

You can also use prompts to jog your memory. That’s where Meminto comes in handy. Consider using prompts to guide your reflection. Prompts provide specific topics or questions to write about, helping to spark your creativity and focus your thoughts. One excellent resource for prompts is Meminto. Meminto offers weekly prompts to inspire your writing.

By signing up for Meminto, you’ll gain access to a wide range of prompts designed to encourage self-expression and reflection. These prompts cover various topics, from gratitude and mindfulness to personal goals and challenges. Whether you prefer writing your thoughts down in text format or recording them as voice memos, Meminto provides a flexible and user-friendly platform to suit your preferences.

2. Find your motivation and start writing. 

Finding your motivation to start writing can sometimes be the biggest hurdle, but once you get going, the creative juices start flowing! Some ways you can find motivation are:

  • Read stories about other people’s lives.
  • Talk to people about important events from your past.
  • Look at the pictures for ideas and feelings.
  • Watch movies to gain storytelling insight.
  • Spend time in nature to refresh your mind.

Once you’ve found the motivation to start writing, it’s time to dive in! Daily journaling can be a fantastic way to begin. Incorporating daily journaling into your routine’ll strengthen your writing skills and give you valuable insights into yourself and your experiences. 

Journaling can feel like a big task, especially if you are new to it. Here are some simple steps for making journaling a habit:

  • Set a specific time and space for journaling.
  • Start small.
  • Utilize prompts to kickstart your writing.
  • Set goals to stay motivated and accountable.
  • Consider digital journaling apps like Meminto for convenience.


A great place to start is Meminto. Meminto offers many options to record video or audio journal entries, allowing you to narrate your experiences in your voice. This approach eliminates the pressure of writing and enables you to express yourself more naturally. 

You also get access to different prompts that can spark ideas and make it easier to start journaling when unsure what to write.

And here’s the best part: once you’ve got all those recordings, Meminto can help you turn them into a compelling book about your life. So, whether you’re a wordsmith or more of a talker, Meminto has you covered. Just sign up and give it a go.

3. Embrace Vulnerability

Writing a book about your life is like baring your soul to the world. It’s a deeply vulnerable act that requires courage and honesty. You’re inviting readers into the most intimate corners of your existence, sharing your triumphs and your struggles, fears, and vulnerabilities. 

Vulnerability helps you connect with your readers.

Through this raw honesty, you can connect with your audience and create a narrative that resonates deeply with them emotionally. Embracing vulnerability in your writing allows you to tap into the universal human experience, the highs and lows, and the joys and sorrows we share. By sharing your vulnerabilities, you allow readers to embrace their imperfections and find solace in knowing they are not alone in their struggles.

Balance vulnerability and honesty.

It’s crucial to strike a balance between vulnerability and honesty. While triggering your readers’ emotions and creating an authentic connection are important, staying true to your story is equally important. Your book should only include facts about your life, even if you choose to polish and refine them for clarity and impact. Sometimes, the truth may be messy, but it makes your story uniquely yours.

4. Follow a Narrative Structure

When structuring your life story, the beauty lies in the freedom to shape it however you see fit. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach; it’s entirely up to you to decide how to arrange the pieces of your life’s puzzle.

While there’s room for flexibility in structuring your life story, it’s important to remember the basic principles of storytelling, especially when writing a memoir or autobiography. These fundamental elements form the backbone of any compelling narrative.

  • First up, you’ve got your introduction, the starting point of your story, where you set the stage and introduce readers to the world of your life. 
  • Then comes the rising action, where you delve into the challenges, triumphs, and twists that shape your journey. 
  • Then there is the climax, the pivotal moment that defines your story and leaves readers on the edge of their seats.
  • After the climax comes the falling action, where you begin to tie up loose ends and unravel the consequences of your actions. 
  • Finally, you resolve the moment of closure, where you reflect on your experiences, lessons learned, and the journey ahead.

5. Seek feedback and support.

Writing a book is a journey, and like any journey, it’s perfectly okay to ask for directions and support along the way. Seeking feedback and support can be crucial to the success of your book.

  • Contact trusted individuals who can read your draft and provide honest feedback. Their fresh perspectives can help you identify blind spots and refine your narrative.
  • There is also a wealth of resources and communities available for memoir writers. Workshops, conferences, and online forums offer opportunities to connect with fellow writers, learn new skills, and gain inspiration from others’ experiences.

6. Revise and edit

Now that you’ve poured your heart and soul into me, it’s time to roll up those sleeves and get down to the nitty-gritty: revising and editing. Don’t stress about getting everything perfect on the first try; that’s what editing is for!

Once you’ve got a solid draft, it’s time to put on your editor’s hat and get to work. Cut out anything that doesn’t serve your story or contribute to its impact. Tighten those sentences, smooth out rough patches, and make every word count.

But remember, editing isn’t just about cutting. It’s also about refining and polishing. Look for opportunities to enhance your narrative and clarify your ideas.

7. Publish your story. 

Your story is ready to be published. Congratulations! You’ve poured your heart and soul into your story, and it’s ready to be shared with the world. Now, for the best part: publishing. And what better place to publish your masterpiece than Meminto? With its user-friendly platform and wide range of publishing options, Meminto makes it easy to turn your thoughts into a polished, professional-looking book you can be proud of and share with your loved ones.

Here’s your chance to write a captivating story about your life. Sign up on Meminto and start writing today.


Picture of About Benjamin

About Benjamin

Hi, I'm Benjamin, part of the Meminto Stories team and someone who likes to write down thoughts about life and what keeps me busy. Whether it be memoirs, biographies or autobiographies, stories about the lives of real people fascinate me because they can shape and change me.

I love having deep conversations with people and asking good questions. That's what I particularly like about Meminto - that people can get to know themselves and each other even better by asking specific questions.

Do you have any questions? Then please get in touch with us!