Gift idea: “Mom, tell me! – from questions to her personal life story”


Are you looking for a personal and individual gift for your mom or someone close to your heart? 

Meminto Stories now offers a solution to this problem. This solution is special, because you create a gift and give it to the people closest to you. Then, even though many different people receive the same gift from you, it’s never really the same because every gift is personalized and individual.  

The past is a common topic during family celebrations and many other occasions. Old stories spring to life, sad and exciting moments are relived, accompanied by laughing and crying. Oftentimes, mothers play an important role within these stories and during these moments. Especially important are grandmothers, who share stories and experiences from before you were even born. 

Often, the question is then: “Mom, tell me, what was it like back then…?” 

When this question is asked, a mother’s memory is full of moments with her children. Long nights worrying about illness, a child’s birthday celebration, the first day of school  and falling in love for the first time. A mother could write a whole book with these memories and experiences… wait… could write a whole book

 Yes, that would be great! If your mom could write a book!

 A book about your life story. Or about her life story. 

For mom: As a gift or reminder

 Then you could reread and relive everything, even if your grandmother is no longer with you. Memories are kept alive and won’t fade until they are completely forgotten. 

Writing an entire book, yourself? Designing the book, adding photos, and printing an entire book? Who would print a single book? This seems like a far too complex and expensive process. Or maybe not?  Sure, a photo album already offers a lot of possibilities. Another option is a pre-printed book, where you answer a variety of questions and glue in photos. However, would a photo album or pre-printed book really reflect and capture the story of your life or your mom’s life? 

Meminto Stories now offers a new and exciting way to bring memories alive. Whether it’s your life story, your mother’s biography, experiences from your life, or a family members’ life, Mementos Stories is perfect! printed book individually designed and professionally created. Your personal experiences without a standard framework. Really – your personal life story in a very personal bookIs that even possible? Yes, with Meminto Stories. Best of all, it’s very simple. Next, we are going to explain how Meminto Stories can easily capture your or your mother’s life story. A personal and individual book perfect for Mother’s Day or any occasion.

How Meminto Stories works

In contrast to personal books, Meminto Stories has digitized the entire process. You can create a book alone or together with other people. Having multiple contributors makes sense when a certain experience or life story includes multiple people. In doing so, the experiences become more varied and colorful. The process is very simple. After placing an order on our website, we will send you a question every week via email. These questions have been selected and adapted from hundreds of questions on the topic.

retirement gifts

We have selected and adapted these questions from hundreds of questions based on various topics, so that week after week a truly individual, personal book is created. Questions you prefer not to answer can be skipped. Skipping questions is not an option with commercially available books and often leaves unsightly gaps in the text. 

If you prefer an alternative to receiving questions via email, the questions can be delivered over the phone. The phone option might be more attractive to the elderly.  An access code allows you to follow the creation of your book. Furthermore, you can participate in the design of the book, such as uploading pictures. Or you can rely entirely on us and wait for the finished result. In order to create a book in 12 months, 52 questions are sent over a one-year period. For faster results, you can answer all 52 questions at once. 

Capture your story now!

Get access to hundreds of questions. We'll structure your answers, make sure you don't forget anything, and take care of printing and mailing. In a few weeks you will have a book about your life in your mailbox!

In the end, you will receive a valuable, unique creation. You will receive a high-quality book with a personally designed, sturdy cover that will keep the past alive. Of course, you can hold onto this unique book and print additional copies. Immediately, you will think of people to give this book to, people who will get immense pleasure from this book, maybe someone connected to the content within the book.   

Wouldn’t that be perfect for your mother or father? So, just give her a Meminto storybook!  

Keep in mind that we also offer books for parents with children or couples who are hoping to get married.

Picture of About Albert

About Albert

Hello, I'm Albert, husband, father of three sons and founder of Meminto Stories. My mission is to inspire people around the world to capture their life stories before they are forgotten.

Music, traveling and working with young people are among my passions. It is particularly important to me to convey lasting values.

Do you have any questions? Then please get in touch with us!

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Picture of About Albert

About Albert

Hello, I'm Albert, husband, father of three sons and founder of Meminto Stories. My mission is to inspire people around the world to capture their life stories before they are forgotten.

Music, traveling and working with young people are among my passions. It is particularly important to me to convey lasting values.

Do you have any questions? Then please get in touch with us!

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Meminto Books