200 Things to Write in a Baby Book

What to Write in a Baby Book
Picture of About Fredrick

About Fredrick

Hi, I am Fredrick, and I love writing about family! I believe family is the most important relationship we have as humans and they are the people we build the most intimate memories with. That's why I enjoy writing articles for meminto to guide you on how you can document the memories and legacies of your friends and family.

When I am not writing, I love to spend time with my family and I also love speed racing.

Do you have any questions? Then please get in touch with us!


A baby book is often one of the first gifts a child gets, and it’s something that may stick with them for life. As the years pass, it fills up with special memories, becoming a snapshot of their early years.

When you give a baby book, you want to be thoughtful. Whether you’re filling out a few pages or leaving a heartfelt note, the words you write will last. It’s a way to show how much you care, even in the smallest details.

Not sure what to write? We’ve got you covered! Here are 200 things to help you get started, from sweet notes to memory prompts, making it easy to add a personal touch. 

Let’s get started!

Key Takeaways

  1. A baby book allows you to document your baby’s early milestones and precious moments. By writing them down, you ensure that even the smallest details are remembered.
  2. Including different aspects like firsts, daily routines, and emotions adds depth to your baby book. This helps you capture a full picture of your baby’s growth and personality over time.
  3. Turning your baby book into a memory book with Meminto keeps those memories organized and easily accessible. It also ensures they are preserved in a high-quality, lasting format.
  4. Meminto allows for personalized touches, making your baby book a reflection of your unique experiences. You can choose prompts and add photos or voice recordings that tell your baby’s story in your own way.
  5. A professionally designed memory book becomes a keepsake your child can treasure for years. As they grow, they’ll appreciate being able to look back at the memories you’ve captured and share them with future generations.

200 Things to Write in a Baby Book

What to Write in a Baby Book
What to Write in a Baby Book

This list will help you capture those precious memories and details that make your baby book special. Each section covers key moments and experiences that are worth documenting:

Pregnancy and Birth

In this section, you can document all the details leading up to and surrounding your baby’s birth. From pregnancy cravings to your birth experience, these memories help tell the full story of your journey to parenthood. It’s a time filled with anticipation and excitement, and writing these down will allow your child to know how much they were loved before they even arrived:

  1. Your pregnancy cravings.
  2. The first time you felt your baby kick.
  3. Your baby’s due date and actual birth date.
  4. How you felt when you found out you were pregnant.
  5. Any baby shower or celebration held for your baby.
  6. The name you chose for your baby and its meaning.
  7. Who was in the delivery room during your baby’s birth.
  8. The emotions you felt when you first saw your baby.
  9. Your baby’s weight and length at birth.
  10. Your first night with your baby in the hospital.


Babies experience so many firsts in their early years, and each one is a momentous occasion. This section captures all of those precious milestones, from your baby’s first steps to their first words. These entries will allow you to look back and remember the wonder of seeing your little one experience things for the very first time.

  1. The first time your baby smiled.
  2. Your baby’s first laugh.
  3. Your baby’s first steps.
  4. Your baby’s first word.
  5. The first time your baby crawled.
  6. Your baby’s first haircut.
  7. The first time your baby clapped their hands.
  8. Your baby’s first time standing up on their own.
  9. The first time your baby waved goodbye.
  10. Your baby’s first day at daycare.

Growth and Development

Tracking your baby’s growth and development is not only practical, but also a beautiful way to see how fast they are changing. You can document everything from weight and height milestones to developmental achievements like crawling or babbling. As time passes, these entries will remind you of the fascinating ways your baby has grown into who they are.

  1. Your baby’s weight at different stages.
  2. How tall your baby was at various ages.
  3. The first time your baby rolled over.
  4. Your baby’s progress with tummy time.
  5. How your baby’s eye color changed over time.
  6. The first time your baby reached for a toy.
  7. Your baby’s first attempt at walking.
  8. The first time your baby made babbling sounds.
  9. How your baby’s teeth came in.
  10. How your baby’s hair changed as they grew.

Family and friends

Babies bring so much joy to those around them. This section focuses on the important people in your baby’s life—family members, friends, and anyone who has been part of their early experiences. These memories will show your child the love and support they had from their community right from the start.

  1. The first time your baby met their grandparents.
  2. Your baby’s first playdate with a friend or cousin.
  3. The first time your baby went to a family gathering.
  4. A description of your baby’s godparents or chosen guardians.
  5. The first time your baby met a close friend of the family.
  6. Your baby’s first visit to a relative’s home.
  7. The family members who visited you in the hospital after your baby was born.
  8. A special family tradition introduced to your baby.
  9. The first time your baby celebrated a family holiday.
  10. Your baby’s reaction to meeting a family pet.

Daily Routine

The day-to-day routine with a baby might seem ordinary at the time, but these are the moments you’ll look back on with fondness. Here, you can capture feeding habits, nap times, and the little rituals that made up your daily life with your baby. These memories will be a snapshot of how you and your baby spent your early days together.

  1. Your baby’s feeding schedule as a newborn.
  2. Your baby’s first nap routine.
  3. How your baby reacted to being swaddled for the first time.
  4. The first time your baby slept through the night.
  5. Your baby’s favorite time of day.
  6. How you soothed your baby during fussy moments.
  7. Your baby’s morning routine and how it changed over time.
  8. The first time your baby had a bath and their reaction.
  9. How your baby reacted to their first bedtime story.
  10. A description of your baby’s sleep habits during the first year.

Special Moments

Life is full of special moments that don’t always fall under the “big” milestones, but are just as important. Whether it’s your baby’s reaction to a favorite toy or a random giggle that made your heart melt, this section is dedicated to capturing those fleeting, joyful moments that make parenting so rewarding.

  1. The first time your baby recognized you.
  2. How your baby reacted when they first saw rain.
  3. Your baby’s first time feeling grass under their feet.
  4. The first time your baby giggled uncontrollably.
  5. How your baby reacted to seeing their reflection.
  6. The first time your baby pointed at something they wanted.
  7. How your baby responded to hearing their name for the first time.
  8. The first time your baby showed affection, like a hug or kiss.
  9. How your baby reacted to their first peek-a-boo game.
  10. The first time your baby made a sound of excitement or surprise.

Personality and Preferences

As your baby grows, you’ll start to notice distinct personality traits and preferences emerging. This section lets you write about the little quirks that make your baby unique, from their favorite food to how they express happiness. It’s an opportunity to record the characteristics that will shape their personality as they continue to grow:

  1. How your baby reacted to their first pet.
  2. Your baby’s favorite expression or gesture.
  3. A description of your baby’s temperament in the early months.
  4. The first time your baby showed fear or anxiety.
  5. Your baby’s favorite sounds or music.
  6. The first time your baby mimicked your actions.
  7. How your baby reacted to meeting new people.
  8. The first time your baby showed frustration or impatience.
  9. The first time your baby showed empathy or concern for others.
  10. A description of your baby’s laugh and what made them giggle.

Travel and Adventures

Your baby’s first adventures, whether it’s a trip to the park or a family vacation, are exciting moments to record. This section highlights all the experiences your baby had outside of the home, showing how they reacted to new environments and the world around them. These memories will make them smile as they look back on their earliest travels.

  1. Your baby’s first trip to the park.
  2. How your baby reacted to their first car ride.
  3. The first time your baby went to a restaurant.
  4. Your baby’s first trip to the beach and their reaction to the sand.
  5. How your baby reacted to seeing animals at the zoo for the first time.
  6. The first time your baby went on a family vacation.
  7. How your baby reacted to their first long car ride.
  8. Your baby’s first plane trip.
  9. The first time your baby visited another city or town.
  10. How your baby responded to seeing mountains, oceans, or other natural wonders.

Health and Wellness

This section is all about documenting the health and well-being of your baby, from their first doctor’s visit to milestones like teething. It’s a great way to keep track of important medical information while also recording how your baby responded to different experiences related to their health.

  1. The date of your baby’s first doctor’s visit.
  2. How your baby reacted to their first vaccination.
  3. Your baby’s first tooth and when it came in.
  4. The first time your baby showed symptoms of teething.
  5. The first time your baby had a fever and how you managed it.
  6. The first time your baby slept through the night without interruption.
  7. How your baby reacted to their first dental check-up.
  8. The first time your baby had a minor illness, like a cold.
  9. The steps you took to keep your baby healthy during their first year.
  10. The first time your baby used a toothbrush or had their teeth cleaned.


Celebrations are moments filled with joy, and your baby will experience many throughout their early years. In this section, you can record how your baby participated in and responded to events like their first birthday or their first Christmas. These entries will help you look back on the shared joy during these milestones.

  1. Your baby’s first birthday party.
  2. How your baby reacted to their first birthday cake.
  3. The gifts your baby received on their first birthday.
  4. The first time your baby experienced Halloween or another holiday tradition.
  5. How your baby reacted to seeing holiday decorations for the first time.
  6. Your baby’s first Christmas and their reaction to opening presents.
  7. How your baby reacted to meeting Santa Claus or a holiday figure.
  8. The first time your baby participated in a family holiday photo.
  9. Your baby’s first Easter or religious celebration.
  10. The first time your baby wore a special outfit for a holiday or celebration.

Everyday Moments

Everyday moments capture the simple, yet special routines that make up life with a baby. These moments might seem ordinary, but they shape how your baby interacts with the world.

  1. Your baby’s favorite time of day, like morning snuggles or bedtime rituals.
  2. How your baby responded to daily diaper changes or bath time.
  3. The way your baby looked up at you while nursing or feeding.
  4. Your baby’s reaction to hearing family members’ voices.
  5. How your baby interacted with mirrors or reflections.
  6. The different facial expressions your baby made while sleeping.
  7. How your baby calmed down when you rocked them
  8. Your baby’s cooing and babbling during quiet moments together.
  9. The way your baby looked out of the window or observed their surroundings.
  10. How your baby responded to the sound of your laughter.

Playtime and Activities

Playtime is a joyful and important part of your baby’s development. It’s where they explore, learn, and discover how the world works, often with a lot of giggles and excitement.

  1. How your baby loved stacking blocks or knocking them over.
  2. The way your baby explored textures, like soft blankets or bumpy toys.
  3. Your baby’s favorite story or book you read to them.
  4. The way your baby laughed during tickle sessions or playful interactions.
  5. Your baby’s enthusiasm when playing with bubbles or water.
  6. The way your baby interacted with sensory toys, like touch-and-feel books.
  7. How your baby engaged in peek-a-boo or hide-and-seek games.
  8. The way your baby imitated animal sounds or gestures.
  9. How your baby loved looking at picture books or colorful images.
  10. The time your baby built with stacking rings or played with shape sorters.

Food and Eating

As your baby grows, food becomes more than just nourishment—it becomes an adventure! Documenting how they explore different tastes, textures, and meals adds a rich layer to their story.

  1. Your baby’s first reaction to mashed bananas or applesauce.
  2. The foods your baby enjoyed the most during early meals.
  3. How your baby reacted to trying new flavors like sweet, salty, or savory.
  4. The funny faces your baby made while tasting something tangy or spicy.
  5. The messes your baby made during feeding time, especially with purees.
  6. How your baby liked finger foods, such as pieces of soft fruit or veggies.
  7. The way your baby loved holding their own spoon or feeding utensil.
  8. Your baby’s enthusiasm for snack time or meal prep with you.
  9. How your baby shared bites of food with you or others around them.
  10. The different ways your baby expressed being full or satisfied after a meal.

Holidays and Traditions

Holidays are special times for families to create memories together. It’s a chance for your baby to be introduced to family traditions and experience the excitement of celebrations.

  1. Your baby’s outfit or costume during holiday festivities.
  2. How your baby responded to festive decorations or lights around the house.
  3. The joy your baby showed while being surrounded by family during gatherings.
  4. The way your baby enjoyed receiving hugs and kisses from relatives.
  5. Your baby’s favorite holiday treat or special family dish.
  6. The traditions you introduced your baby to, like reading a holiday story.
  7. The way your baby reacted to the holiday music or caroling.
  8. Your baby’s interaction with holiday gifts, from unwrapping to playing with them.
  9. How your baby participated in a holiday craft or DIY project with you.
  10. The warm moments your baby shared while sitting by a cozy fire or holiday scene

Emotions and Expressions

Babies express a wide range of emotions even before they can talk. Documenting their emotional development helps you track how they connect with the world around them.

  1. The wide-eyed wonder your baby displayed when discovering new things.
  2. How your baby expressed joy with giggles or laughter when happy.
  3. The different ways your baby showed comfort by cuddling or holding onto you.
  4. How your baby reached for you when they needed reassurance.
  5. The way your baby pouted or frowned when something didn’t go their way.
  6. Your baby’s curious expressions when exploring unfamiliar objects or places.
  7. The mischievous look your baby gave when they found something amusing.
  8. The way your baby reacted when they saw you after being apart for a while.
  9. How your baby communicated through non-verbal cues, like pointing or waving.
  10. The expressions of love your baby showed through hugs or eye contact.


Milestones are major achievements in your baby’s development. From mobility to communication, these moments show your baby’s growing independence.

  1. The moment your baby started using gestures to communicate what they wanted.
  2. Your baby’s attempts to mimic your words or sounds.
  3. The milestone when your baby began playing independently for a while.
  4. Your baby’s ability to move objects from one hand to another.
  5. When your baby started showing preferences for certain toys or people.
  6. The day your baby began to master standing without support.
  7. Your baby’s determination while trying to climb furniture or steps.
  8. The time your baby learned to blow bubbles or make raspberry sounds.
  9. The milestone when your baby recognized their name being called.
  10. How your baby reacted to using utensils or drinking from a cup independently.

Favorite Things

Your baby’s favorites give insight into their personality, even in their early months. This section is all about what made them smile, laugh, or feel secure.

  1. Your baby’s attachment to a special blanket or comfort item.
  2. The songs or lullabies your baby found soothing before bedtime.
  3. The toy your baby carried everywhere or couldn’t go to sleep without.
  4. The games your baby enjoyed playing with you, like pat-a-cake or clapping games.
  5. The outdoor activity your baby loved, like swinging at the park.
  6. Your baby’s favorite book to flip through or have read to them.
  7. The snack your baby couldn’t get enough of during snack time.
  8. The family member your baby enjoyed spending the most time with.
  9. The activity your baby did when they were the most playful or active.
  10. The stuffed animal or toy that became your baby’s best friend.

Outings and Adventures

Your baby’s first outings and trips are filled with discovery and excitement. From visiting the park to traveling with family, these moments allow your baby to explore the world around them.

  1. The time you took your baby to a family event or gathering.
  2. How your baby reacted to being in a stroller for the first time.
  3. The way your baby enjoyed a trip to the park, swinging or sliding.
  4. Your baby’s curiosity during a walk through the neighborhood.
  5. The sights and sounds your baby took in on a visit to a zoo or farm.
  6. How your baby enjoyed riding along on family vacations or road trips.
  7. Your baby’s fascination with animals during a petting zoo visit.
  8. How your baby experienced different places, like a beach or nature trail.
  9. The excitement your baby showed when seeing new places or environments.
  10. How your baby interacted with other children at the playground or a playdate.

Family Bonds

This section focuses on the special relationships your baby forms with family members. Watching those bonds grow over time is a beautiful part of their early development.

  1. The sweet moments shared between your baby and their grandparents.
  2. How your baby interacted with older siblings, copying or playing with them.
  3. The unique bond your baby formed with cousins or family friends.
  4. The warm cuddles your baby shared with family pets.
  5. The way your baby responded to family traditions during gatherings.
  6. Your baby’s excitement when seeing familiar faces at family reunions.
  7. The special songs or games your baby enjoyed with a family member.
  8. How your baby communicated love through smiles or gentle touches with family.
  9. The closeness your baby developed with extended family over time.
  10. Your baby’s joyful reaction when being held by different family members.

Reflections and Hopes

Reflecting on your baby’s first year helps you express your love and dreams for their future. This section captures those sentiments and preserves your hopes for their growth and happiness.

  1. The dreams you have for your baby’s future and what you hope they achieve.
  2. The values or lessons you wish to teach your baby as they grow older.
  3. The moments that brought you the most joy during your baby’s first year.
  4. A letter to your baby describing how much they mean to you.
  5. Your reflections on the changes your baby brought into your life.
  6. Your hopes for the person your baby will become as they grow up.
  7. Reflections on the bond you’ve built with your baby over the first year.
  8. A note of encouragement for your baby to read when they’re older.
  9. The qualities you see emerging in your baby’s personality.
  10. The love and pride you feel watching your baby grow and learn.

Create Long-lasting Baby Books with Meminto

Capturing your baby’s precious moments in a baby book is one thing, but creating a keepsake that stands the test of time is another. With Meminto, you can transform your baby’s milestones, everyday moments, and treasured memories into a professionally designed memory book. 

Meminto takes the hassle out of preserving your memories. From customizable prompts to weekly reminders, it helps you gather all the special details you don’t want to forget. Whether it’s their first smile, a funny moment, or a heartfelt reflection on parenthood, Meminto ensures those memories are beautifully organized and printed in a high-quality, full-color hardcover book.

Here’s what Meminto offers:

  • Easy customization: Choose from a variety of templates and prompts to personalize your baby’s book to reflect their unique story.
  • Multiple input options: Record memories using text, photos, videos, or even voice recordings. You can capture everything as it happens.
  • Weekly reminders: Meminto sends you gentle reminders to document important milestones, making it easy to stay on top of things.
  • Professional design: Each book is crafted with care, featuring a clean, modern design that makes every page look beautiful.
  • High-quality print: Your baby book is printed in full color on premium paper, with a durable hardcover that ensures it’ll last for years.

With Meminto, you’re not just creating a baby book. You’re preserving memories in a way that’s easy, meaningful, and built to last. Start recording those moments today, and turn them into a treasure your child will cherish forever.

See how to use Meminto to make your baby books below.

Start now with your book!

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Childhood Journal Prompts

How to Write a Baby Book with Meminto

    1. Go to https://meminto.com/product/childhood-book/ – Click on “Start Now” to begin creating your journal.

    1. Choose Who Will Write the book– Select either “I Will” or “Someone Else Will” to determine the author.

    1. Select Pages and Preferences– Choose the number of pages and input any other options you prefer. The system will calculate your total, then click “Add to Cart.”

    1. Enter Shipping and Payment Details – Fill in your shipping information and choose your preferred payment method. Apply any promo code if available for a discount.
    2. Review and Confirm Your Order– Check all details and confirm your order. You can track the delivery status from the checkout page.

    1. Check Your Email– Look for the confirmation and activation code. Go to memin.to/register to activate your account.
    2. Enter your personal information, activation code, and password. Click “Sign up for Meminto” to start writing your story.
    Personal details
    1. Set Preferences– Choose your preferred language (English or German) and the day you’d like to receive memory prompts.

    1. Personalize Your Journal – Select the layout and design options to customize your journal.

    1. Customize the book to fit your needs.

    11. Watch the instructional video below so you can get better guidance on how you can use the Meminto app.

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    More Information

Wrapping Up!

There you have it! 200 awesome things to fill in your baby book to preserve memories. As time flies by, these moments can easily be forgotten. But with a baby book, you’ll have a cherished keepsake to revisit time and time again.

And why stop there? By turning your baby book into a beautifully designed memory book with Meminto, you create something lasting that can be shared with your child as they grow older.

So start documenting, and let Meminto help you transform those memories into a timeless treasure!

Start now with your book!

get a CHILDHOOD book now

Childhood Journal Prompts
Picture of About Fredrick

About Fredrick

Hi, I am Fredrick, and I love writing about family! I believe family is the most important relationship we have as humans and they are the people we build the most intimate memories with. That's why I enjoy writing articles for meminto to guide you on how you can document the memories and legacies of your friends and family.

When I am not writing, I love to spend time with my family and I also love speed racing.

Do you have any questions? Then please get in touch with us!