Lent – the fun is over for now until Easter

Picture of kathrinbenzel



Lent is something like the second chance. The second chance for the good resolutions that you made on New Year’s Eve for the new year, but for some reason just couldn’t keep. When you realize in the first weeks of January that once again you haven’t managed to turn your good intentions into action, you reassure yourself that Lent is coming soon. Then one can undertake yes a new attempt. Freely after the slogan: This year I wanted to decrease ten kilos, I must still thirteen “.

When fasting, most people think of food – in the truest sense of the word. Because in the chamfering time many people eat nothing or less, and think therefore the whole time only about food. (Small pun at the edge)

No, seriously. With the term fasting many people connect simply the renouncement of solid food. That’s actually the original idea behind Lent, which is traditionally held from Ash Wednesday to Easter.

Renunciation of anything

From the once Christian tradition of fasting and the associated renunciation of solid food, Lent has now become more of a health or lifestyle theme. Somehow it has become really hip to fast. There are zig variants, from the welfare fasting up to the interval fasting. And what you do without during this self-chosen fasting period is also up to you. Simply times examine whether one cannot suspend a certain time with any dear-won habit.

Some give up chocolate, others coffee. Some give up watching television, others nicotine or other stimulants. The main thing is to stick it out. Often it is not the seven weeks from Ash Wednesday to Easter, some extend the period of fasting, or shorten it. Or it becomes a permanent fast. Every variation is allowed.

Fasting for weight loss

In the past, I really always thought that fasting was only about losing kilos. This is probably also related to the fact that with the beginning of Lent, relatives or friends who have a few kilos too much, have always decided to do something for, pardon, against their weight. Then it was said that they would do without everything until Good Friday. That was always very funny. If one met then and I asked the obligatory question about the Diätfolgen, usually the answer came: Nearly ‘n kilo. So I always thought that meant fasting, fast ‘n kilos.

Never thought about a lent before

I myself have never seriously thought about fasting. Not that I don’t need to. When I step on the scale in the morning, it already sounds as if it’s quietly calling out to me: “You could also fast once in a while”. To be honest, I have actually tried interval fasting before. It was the hardest time (always this double entendre) of my life – 16 hours of agonizingly long hours.

The fine art of perseverance


It gets really funny when you talk to people about why they didn’t follow through with Lent. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who actually followed through. Granted, I know plenty of people who set out to lose weight and succeeded. But when it comes to the permanent, seven-week renunciation of cherished habits, then the ingenuity of excuses and excuses is already impressive. Then it gets a little embarrassing. Because people usually act as if they have to justify themselves. Justifying something that they have imposed on themselves and where they were then simply too weak to keep it up.

Seven weeks without sugar – oh, we had visitors, and I couldn’t throw away the leftover cake. Seven weeks no smoking – at the party last week it got so cozy, I thought a few cigarettes couldn’t hurt. Seven weeks no meat – we were stupidly invited to a barbecue and I didn’t want to ask if there were tofu sausages.

The others are to blame anyway

Oh yes, actually you could have easily done that with the fasting. But as is often the case in life, it’s always the fault of others that you couldn’t keep it up. The ones who always cook so deliciously, who invite you to the barbecue and then actually offer pork steaks instead of grilled vegetables. The ones who always get you into those situations where you just can’t help it and ultimately have to throw your good intentions out the window. 

Maybe your host didn’t even know that you don’t currently eat meat or give up sugar. How could he know that, unless you’re walking around with a sign around your neck that says: Attention, seven weeks without sugar. It would certainly look funny.

Many funny anecdotes on the theme of Lent

Not only in the private sphere, it can be quite funny when it comes to fasting.

Very interesting are the stories about monks in the monasteries, where actually the strictest form of fasting should be practiced, for example, the unconditional renunciation of solid food or meat. Beavers, ducks or other aquatic animals were sometimes declared as fish, since their consumption was permitted under special circumstances.

Or on days when only liquid was allowed, the beer ration was increased. And that was not all. To ensure that the beer also contained sufficient nutrients, special strong beers were brewed for this purpose, which apparently did a good job of helping to get through the deprived period of fasting.

Lent, anything but one-sided

Well, Lent itself can sometimes be very one-sided. But the whole thing, the different types of fasting, the reasons and justifications, the slogans of perseverance and reasons for failure, that’s all very multifaceted. But of course this should not stop anyone from fasting once. There are also really good reasons for it. But think carefully about who you tell about it. Because one thing is clear: If you fail, you are sure to be gloated over and pitied.

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By the way, fasting or the events experienced in connection with Lent can also be a topic in your Meminto life book. Let the others share your successes or even your curious experiences with fasting. We show you how to write your own life book on meminto. It’s also a great way to distract yourself from those nagging thoughts of chocolate or a nice glass of wine during your fast.

Picture of kathrinbenzel
