Meminto, artificial intelligence and memory videos

memory videos


This year promises to be an epic year: The innovations we’ll see this year could also change Meminto in a big way. Keywords are ChatGPT and Augmented Video – both topics that could also become interesting for Meminto users.

What does the new year bring for Meminto?

  1. ChatGPT or GPT-4 opens up amazing new possibilities in the text-based environment. Anyone who has tried the AI-based text output and asked a few questions has regularly been amazed at the accuracy and speed with which they were answered. “Why do you need a search engine anymore when you have an answer engine here?” was the unanimous opinion.
  2. With augmented video, memories can be captured even more vividly in a book. Instead of or in addition to written content, videos can thus be integrated on paper. Of course, today you still need a smartphone to retrieve them. But as soon as a normally usable headset or corresponding glasses are worn by more and more people and can be integrated well into everyday life, nothing will stand in the way of retrieving such memories from the book.
  3. Another AI announced by Microsoft (Vall-E) can imitate the voice of a human almost perfectly after uploading an audio sequence of only 3 seconds. So it would be conceivable for one of our Meminto Stories life books to be read aloud by the author, even if the author is already deceased. Of course, this idea is polarizing – but from a technological point of view it is quite remarkable.

What would interest you the most?

Our question now is: Which of these three innovative methods would interest you the most?

  • Would you like an AI to help you write?
  • Would you like to embed videos in books?
  • Would you like to be able to talk to a deceased loved one one more time (where it’s not the person themselves, but just a reproduction of their being from their life information that Meminto has captured in a book)?

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Which technology would best fit Meminto?
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Image above: Artificially generated by Midjourney

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