50 Family Tradition Examples For Family Reunion

Family Tradition Examples for Family Reunion


Family traditions are essential for family reunion, to strengthen family bonds. They are not just routines, activities, and behaviors that are newly created or passed down from generation to generation within the family but an intentional act that creates meaningful and beautiful memories and values that hold family members together.

These family traditions could be a simple dinner night, movie night, reading a book before bedtime, decorating the Christmas tree together, and so on. Regardless of what activity it is, know that family traditions are unique to one family and help to preserve the heritage, values, interests, and beliefs of the family.

In this article, I have compiled 50 family traditions examples to bring the family together that you can draw inspiration from when creating yours.

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Key Takeaways

  • Family traditions are not just activities or routines but an intentional act that helps create beautiful memories within the family.
  • Family traditions are shared interests, values, and beliefs within the family, which helps strengthen family bonds.
  • You can create your own family traditions book seamlessly using tools like Meminto.

50 Family Tradition Examples for Family Reunion

Family Tradition
Family Tradition Examples for Family Reunion

1. Family Game Night

Creating a family game night is a great family tradition and a sure way to get family members to bond together and have fun for a long time. The games could range from analog or digital games. And you can host the family game night weekly or monthly.

The most important thing is that everyone enjoys and looks forward to the game night.

2. Movie Night

Another family tradition you can imbibe is the movie night, where members of the family gather around to see a movie together. This can be done on a daily or weekly basis, depending on when every member of the family will be available.

To make it more fun, you can ask each family member to pick a movie to watch, introduce classic movies from the 80s, and order pizza, popcorn, or any other suitable snack to spice up the activity.

3. Pizza Night

Organize a pizza night for the family on a specific night of the week. To spice it up, you order different flavors of pizza at different pizza nights. Also add a fun game or activity that members of the family can participate in before eating the pizza.

4. “What We Learned” Journal.

We learn everyday, and a great way to remember our lessons is by documenting it daily. You can create a family tradition from this by buying a leather bound journal where every family member gets to write what they learn daily.

It does not have to be long. It could be something as basic as “when you show kindness to people, people will in turn show you kindness.”

And for kids who cannot write, parents can help transcribe their words for them.

5. Surprise Note

Another family tradition to imbibe is to write a surprise note to members of the family. You could write telling them how valuable and loved they are to the family.

You could write those kinds of notes on special days like their birthdays or when they are going through a rough patch in their lives or career.

I believe notes like that would put a smile on their face and reassure them that they are not alone.

6. Family Hugs

Every family had their own identity. You could create a special kind of hug for your family. It does not have to be the traditional way people hug but a special type that only members of your family are aware of.

To come up with this, I advise you to take out time and watch how other families hug and the types of hugs around the world, then choose one that is more convenient for members of your family.

7. Family Secret Handshake

Similar to the family hugs, you can create a secret handshake(s) for your family. The handshake could mean something significant, and every member of the family should be able to understand its meaning.

For example, a firm handshake could mean we are together in this while a light handshake could mean I love you. This is just an example, so you can come up with as many secret handshakes as you can for your family.

8. Family Meal

Having dinner together as a family is a great family tradition. The meal does not necessarily be breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It could be a meal in between those.

Maybe you are watching TV; you all can decide to eat pizza together. Doing this does not only teach family members to always share things together but also strengthens the family bond.

9. Family Prayer

There is a wise saying that a family that prays together stays together. You can start a family prayer routine where every member of the family prays together before leaving the house in the morning and before bedtime at night.

Also, members of the family can take turns to lead the family in prayers.

10. Bedtime Stories

If there is one sure way I know of, that parents can create a bond with their children is by telling them bedtime stories. The stories not just teach children valuable life lessons but also leave a lasting memory that they would cherish for the rest of their lives.

I remember my dad also told me bedtime stories while I was a kid. I may have forgotten most of the stories but I have not forgotten those moments we had together when he told those stories.

11. Evening Walks

Evening walks are always refreshing, apart from the fresh air you would enjoy, it is also a nice way to bond with the family. You can decide to take a short or long distance walk.

Regardless of the distance, always put the safety of your family first!

12. Special Saturday Breakfast

Create a special Saturday morning breakfast tradition that every member of the family can look forward to and enjoy. The meal could be pancakes or any dish that members all enjoy when it’s prepared.

You can also do your special Saturday morning breakfast routines in any of your favorite breakfast restaurants.

13. Grocery Shopping

As basic as it may seem, going grocery shopping together as a family can help strengthen the bond in the family.

You can choose a designated day of the week when everyone is available to go grocery shopping together. As you continually do this, it becomes part of your family legacy.

14. Family Meetings

Another family tradition example every family needs is to always have their family meetings. The meetings could be held on a weekly or monthly basis.

At the meeting, members of the family get to discuss issues and plan out how certain areas of the family should be handled for the benefit of all. I believe doing this will help create a successful family.

15. Full Moon Walks

A full moon is a gorgeous sight to behold, especially for kids, and the best part is that it occurs roughly every 29 days. So as a family, you can build a tradition whereby you take walks on every full moon day and just bask in the euphoria of the stunning natural light.

If it is safe, you can take a walk in the woods and enjoy the display of nature at night.

16. Goals Box

An important life skill to teach your children to develop is how to set goals from an early age and work towards that goal. To make this a family tradition, get a box where members of the family get to place a goal or goals they intend to achieve for the month in it.

At the end of the month, you take out the pieces of paper to review if members of the family follow through with their goals and if they truly achieved them.

I believe doing this will form a strong family legacy if setting and achieving goals with ease.

17. Daddy/Mommy Date

It is okay for a family to have a date night together, but to better know and bond with each of your children, you need to create a mommy or daddy date night with each of them.

On the supposed date, you allow the child to come up with an activity that both of you can engage in. Then they get to tell you things about themselves or school.

18. Volunteer Together

Constantly taking on a volunteering service as a family is a wonderful way to create impact in your local community while also spending quality time together. The volunteer could be anything from charity walk to assisting at a local animal refuge or sanctuary.

The more you make this a routine, the more it becomes part of the family.

19. Family Outings

Make it a routine to go out together as a family. The outing does not have to be an elaborate one. It could be a trip to a neighboring town, a walk in the park, a hike in the woods, or any outdoor activity that is suitable for all members of the family.

The family outing could be weekly or monthly. The most important thing is that it becomes part of the family tradition.

20. Cook Together

Another family tradition you should imbibe as a family is cooking together. Cooking is not just a woman’s thing, so every member of the family teams up together and cooks a delicious meal.

This may not be often, but doing this one every week would be nice. You can also try out new recipes or cook a special meal together.

21. Family Fitness

Build a routine where members of the family get to exercise and stay fit all week long. This fitness routine could be done daily or three times a week. You can also feature other types of fitness, like yoga, bike riding, and swimming, other than regular fitness.

22. Family Art Night

Set aside time once every month to have a family art night together where every member of the family gets creative and expresses themselves in their own creative way.

You can use things like paint, clay, markers, old newspapers, or anything you can come up with for the art night. You can also add light snacks and drinks to make it more enjoyable.

Remember, do not criticize anyone’s art, no matter how ugly you feel it looks.

23. Have a Family Service Day

There is no greater joy than that of service. Create a culture where members of the family get to dedicate a day in a month to serve people regardless of where they are.

You can do things like cleaning the neighborhood, visiting the homeless and providing them with food, or giving out clothes to the needy.

24. Family Motto

There is no better way to build confidence in your kids and other members of the family than creating a family motto. The motto could be two words or a long sentence. The most important thing is that this motto should be able to increase the morale of family members when they are down.

25. Thankful Box

Another example of an activity that could be part of your family tradition is creating a thankful box where each member of the family gets to anonymously write down what they are thankful for and puts it inside the box.

So after you are done eating dinner, you pass around the thankful box to members for them to each read out the anonymous thank-you notes. This is fun as everyone gets to guess who wrote each note.

Family Tradition Examples for Family Reunion
Family Tradition Examples for Family Reunion

26. Go on an Annual Camping Trip

What better way to enjoy an outdoor activity as a family than going on an annual camping trip together. This trip can be down within town, in the country, or outside the country.

Camp trips like this help strengthen the bond and love in the family.

27. Countdown to Christmas

Christmas is one of the most celebrated holidays of the year, and it is always thrilling when you are counting down to Christmas. Rather than just make it a plain countdown, you can spice it up by unwrapping mystery gifts every day to mark the countdown.

The gifts should be meaningful and reflect the essence of the season.

28. Run a Race Before Opening Christmas Gifts.

As exciting as this sounds, so is the adrenaline that comes with it. As part of relishing the beauty of the season, you can add more fun to it by organizing a race between your children for them to run before opening their gifts.

This is not just a fun thing to do, as each child would want to outrun the other, but also a way to create a frenzy about the gifts and teach them delayed gratification.

29. Have a “Yes Jar”

A “Yes Jar” is simply a jar where each family member puts a note of what he or she intends to do, and once it twice every month, they dip their hands into the jar and pick a note. The interesting part is that they must perform the task in the note regardless of how boring it is.

30. Take Annual Family Photos

This is the most important of every other family tradition. Make it a habit to take annual family photo shots. Doing this not only captures time but also memories. Imagine future generations getting to see what each family member looks like through time.

31. Plant a garden

Another family tradition is getting family members involved in planting a garden. They should all follow through with the planting process, from seeding to harvesting.

At the end of each harvest, reward everyone with a meal from the crop you all harvested together. I believe this will be an invaluable lesson and skill you will be teaching everyone, especially the kids.

32. College Acceptance Celebration

A happy family never runs out of things to celebrate together. And one of them is celebrating the college acceptance of your kids. You can celebrate by having dinner at your family’s favorite restaurant or wearing a customized t-shirt or sweater to celebrate the special day.

33. Family Time Capsule

An interesting family tradition is burying a family time capsule at your “forever home.” In this capsule, which is usually a metal box, put the memorabilia of  some of your family’s favorite things from photos, notes, and other items that represent the time period.

Then, after 15 or 20 years, go to the spot where you buried this time capsule and exhume it, then open the box for all to see how much has changed and what it was like 15 years ago.

34. Dedication of New Home

If you are a religious family, one family tradition is dedicating a new home you bought to God before living in it. To do this, you gather as a family or invite your religious leader to offer prayers to God Almighty to take control of the building and all that dwells in it.

This can go on to become a legacy for future generations when they acquire new homes too.

35. Celebrate New HomeOwners

A nice family tradition to pass on to future generations as a lasting legacy is giving gits to new homeowners as a house-warming blessing. These gifts can go from anything like a beautiful key holder, throw pillows, wine, or scented flowers.

Just something thoughtful that would be appreciated by the homeowners and reminds them of you whenever they see that item.

36. Yearly Door Frame Measurement

What better way to have memories of when your children were still growing than to have markings of their height measurement on a door frame.

Seeing those markings in later years will well up so much emotions filled with joy within you. You can start this as a family tradition by marking their height measurements on their birthdays and then write the height they were beside each marking.

37. Hunting Traditions

Even though we have gone past hunting eras, hunting as a family is a beautiful tradition to pass on to future generations. So whether you came from a lineage of hunters or not, you can learn this skill and try it in the wild with other members of the family.

If a catch is made at the end of the hunting expedition, everyone feasts and celebrates together.

38. Anniversary Celebrations

Celebrate anniversaries of family members with a special gift, meal, trip, or love letter. The anniversary could be a wedding, birthday, and so on. Whatever it is, the celebrations should honour the purpose of the anniversary.

39. Back-to-School

Every time family members go back to school to either complete a session or start a new program, make it a routine to celebrate by organizing a photo shoot or special meal that could serve as dinner or breakfast to mark their journey to academic success.

40. Celebrate Graduations

Make it a family routine to celebrate the academic achievements of family members. You can do this by organizing a special dinner for the family or gifting the graduand a meaningful gift that they will cherish for the rest of their lives.

Doing this is a great way to acknowledge the hard work towards academic success of a family member.

41. Watch Meteor Together

Meteors and other constellations are beautiful to watch when they surface once a year or so. To view this beauty, gather family members to a spot where you can watch this together with little or no distractions.

Then lie down on a blanket, facing towards the sky, and enjoy the gorgeous view of meteors and different constellations. Also see if you can identify the different constellations by name. You can also go with a telescope for a better view.

42. Daily Check-Ins

Everyone gets busy, and it becomes worse when the kids grow up and leave home for the city. Before that happens, it is important to create a family tradition where family members get to check in on each other daily, even if it is just once.

A 10-minute break you take out of your busy lives to reach out to members of the family will help foster unity and love for each other.

43. Visit a Library

Visiting a library weekly should be part of your family tradition. Not only will you find interesting storybooks that you will read to the kids during bedtime, you are also going to be instilling a great culture of reading in your children and family at large.

They will become acquainted with reading, and the more they read, the more the more they learn, and the more they learn new words and so on, the more they know.

44. Game Opening Day

There are several sports and games opening day in various parts of the country and city. You can make it a family tradition to attend these sports opening days with the entire family, regardless of which sport you love most.

Trust me, events like this come with so much thrill and awe that the whole family will enjoy at the end of the day.

45. Family Talent Show

Organising a family talent show is one of the best ways of showcasing every family member’s unique skills and gifts. In a show like this, family members get to sing, dance, perform magic, play an instrument, say a poem, act in a stage play, and so on.

This kind of show can be done monthly, quarterly, or yearly to appreciate every family member’s creativity and uniqueness.

46. Sunday Family Dinner

Create a family routine where the entire family gathers for a special Sunday family dinner. The dinner could be done at home with home made food or at a favorite family restaurant.

Doing this always will foster communication and harmony amongst family members.

47. Tech-Free” Day

Another family tradition that helps to connect family members together is setting aside a day in a week or month as a “tech-free” day where members of the family get to put away their phones, tablets, and computers for a whole day.

Doing this, especially in this digital age, will give ample time for members of the family to reconnect through meaningful and heartfelt conversations or games while enjoying each other’s company.

48. Decorate Christmas Tree Together

Christmas season is more than just a popular holiday but one that brings families together. Make it a family tradition to always decorate Christmas trees together.

Do that alongside some Christmas music and light snacks.

49. Celebrate Summer

Mark the beginning of the summer season with incredible and fun family activities.  You can decide to go to the beach together and bask in the ocean waves and the beach sand or grill some barbecue in your backyard.

Doing this yearly likewise with the seasons is a great family tradition to have.

50.Saturday Football

Playing football on a Saturday morning is always thrilling. As a family, you can do this together at least once every month. Or you can go out together to watch college football on a Saturday after in your alma mater.

Aside from that, you can buy tickets to watch professional football in any of the nearby stadiums where the event is taking place. The cheer and adrenaline that comes from rooting for your team is worth every bit of it.

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How to Create a Family Tradition Book With Meminto

Now that you know how to create your family traditions as examples, you can make the entire process seamless by using Meminto.

With Meminto, you can easily use already-made templates to create a family traditions guide that will bring the family together and any other customization you would need throughout the book-writing process. The steps involved are pretty simple, and you receive your customized products on time.

Here’s how you can use Meminto to create a family tradition:

  1. Go to https://meminto.com/product/relationship-book/ and locate the “Get Started” button.

  1. Decide if you are making the book for yourself (“I will”) or as a gift for someone else (“Someone else will”).


  1. Choose the number of pages you want and specify if you need extra copies or prefer digital versions. Then, click “Add to Cart.”


  1. Enter your shipping details, choose your payment method, and apply any available promo codes.
  1. Review your order details and track its status on the checkout page.


  1. Check your email for a confirmation containing an activation code. Copy the code and visit https://memin.to/register.
  1. Enter your personal information, activation code, and password. Click “Sign up for Meminto” to start writing your story.


  1. Select your language preference (German or English) and choose the day you want to receive weekly writing prompts. Click “Save Changes.”


  1. Customize the family traditions boom by choosing the alignment of text and how sections are organized.


  1. You can further personalize the family tradition book to match your preferences.


  1. Watch the instructional video below so you can get better guidance on how you can use the Meminto app.

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    More Information


Passing down family traditions to future generations is vital for  preserving the family’s beliefs and values, strengthening family bonds, and creating lasting memories.

If you do not have a family tradition yet but long to have one, you can create your own right away using a simple yet effective tool called Meminto to document the activities that you want in your family traditions book, following the examples that I have listed in this guide.

One more thing: do not just create this all by yourself, as you may not know what interests every member of the family. So gather the entire family around to create your own family traditions book based on shared interests, values, and beliefs that would transcend generations.

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Picture of Fredrick


Hi, I am Fredrick, and I love writing about family! I believe family is the most important relationship we have as humans and they are the people we build the most intimate memories with. That's why I enjoy writing articles for meminto to guide you on how you can document the memories and legacies of your friends and family.

When I am not writing, I love to spend time with my family and I also love speed racing.

Do you have any questions? Then please get in touch with us!

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Picture of Fredrick


Hi, I am Fredrick, and I love writing about family! I believe family is the most important relationship we have as humans and they are the people we build the most intimate memories with. That's why I enjoy writing articles for meminto to guide you on how you can document the memories and legacies of your friends and family.

When I am not writing, I love to spend time with my family and I also love speed racing.

Do you have any questions? Then please get in touch with us!

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