What do I do with my Meminto activation code?

You have received a Meminto activation code. Here you can find all the information you need about the activation code.

Is Meminto a gift or for you?

First of all, it is important whether the activation code is for you or for someone else. If you want to give the Meminto book as a gift and you have not chosen email delivery or gift box, then you should write the Meminto activation code on a card using the registration website. Either the activation code can be entered in the app memin.to/app or at memin.to/register.

If the Meminto Stories book is for you and you have received a Meminto activation code, then you need to enter it in the app memin.to/app or in the web memin.to/register

It is important to note that the store account is not the app account at the same time. If you bought a book template in the store and got an activation code, you need to register with Meminto in the app or on the web. 

In the app:

On the web: